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uPVC Windows Kent

uPVC Windows Kent

uPVC Windows Kent

Brighten Your Outlook with New uPVC Windows in Kent

New uPVC windows can really transform your Kent home, making it a much more enjoyable place to be.

There are several styles available to suit your property and enhance its features, and modern uPVC windows will also improve the performance of your home. Old, tired double glazing can be inefficient, letting heat out and the cold in, or even weak, making them an easy access point for burglars.

When you choose to upgrade your Kent home with new uPVC windows, you will benefit from the latest technology and innovations to ensure these worries are a thing of the past.

Here at First Glaze, we offer Kent homeowners state of the art uPVC windows that achieve the highest standards and will enhance your home’s entire performance and style. Our cost-effective double glazed windows are incredibly popular, read on to find out why!

uPVC Windows Kent

Impressively Efficient uPVC Windows in Kent

Keeping your home warm on cold winter days is an important function of any double glazing. With our superb uPVC windows, you can count on superior thermal performance.

Our uPVC windows and doors achieve a Windows Energy Rating of an outstanding A+12. The Liniar design has a six chambered profile which works as a thermal barrier, blocking cold our and keeping warmth within.

Our uPVC windows will help your Kent home stay warmer for longer, which will mean that you need to use less heating. Of course, less heating will result in reduced energy bills, making these double glazed windows a fantastic choice for value for money.

uPVC Windows Kent

Outstanding Security to Keep Your Home Safe with uPVC Windows

We all know that protecting your home and family is essential when choosing your home improvements, and with uPVC windows from First Glaze, you can count on the very best security.

Our uPVC windows are fitted with incredible Yale locking systems to ensure they achieve maximum protection. These shootbolt locks are Secured by Design accredited, meaning that they have undergone rigorous testing to ensure they can withstand even the most determined intruders.

To ensure that your home is completely protected, windows from First Glaze are fitted with Stay Guard Elite hinges which achieve twice the performance expectations set by Secured by Design.

With uPVC windows from First Glaze, your Kent home and family will be as secure as possible!

uPVC windows Kent

Stylish uPVC Windows in Kent

When it comes to style and design, there are so many options available for your Kent home, and every uPVC window can be enhanced with a range of options.

Choose from stylish colour finishes, natural woodgrain foils and beautiful yet practical decorative glazing. You can also select from a range of hardware options and accessories to create a uniquely tailored look.

We’ve summarised our window styles to give you an idea of the options available, take a look and be inspired!

uPVC Casement Windows

Our uPVC casement windows are one of our most popular home improvements, as the sleek and stylish design suits all types of Kent properties. The traditional style is ideal for authentic home improvements, yet also complements new build properties.

uPVC Sash Windows

Our stunning sash windows are perfect for enhancing the character of your Kent home and for authentic home improvements. They have a traditional appearance that is ideal for period properties and can add style and charm to newer homes.

uPVC Tilt and Turn Windows

These beautiful uPVC windows are a brilliant choice for any property. Offering a larger viewing area with neat and clean profiles, they look spectacular, but where they really excel, is in their multi-functional performance, offering excellent safety features and easy access too.

uPVC Windows Kent

Low Maintenance, High Performance uPVC Windows in Kent

When you choose uPVC windows from First Glaze for your Kent home improvements, you will benefit from low maintenance, high performance double glazing.

Our windows will never warp, rot or fade, and will provide you with many years of excellent operation. They truly are a superior option for your home improvements.

uPVC Window Prices Kent

You can visit our online window designer and create your perfect uPVC windows from the range of options available. It’s so easy to use, and once you have designed your new double glazing, you will be given a tailored guide price too.

If you prefer, you can always talk to us, and our helpful team will give you expert advice and guidance to help you find the very best windows to enhance your Kent home. We would love to hear from you and to be your double glazing installer in Kent.

Free Online Quote Call: 01634 931 098
01634 931 098